The Chiropractic Advantage

Restore & Maintain Optimal Health

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Dr. Mark Bonitatibus D.C.

Total Chiropractic


Welcome to Total Chiropractic and Wellness Centre in Brantford ON. We are a Wellness Centre whose main focus is to help patients meet their health care needs and goals. Everybody deserves an opportunity to live a happy, healthy, pain free life and why shouldn’t you ? If you are living with aches and pains that are affecting your quality of life or your ability to do the things you enjoy then Brantford ON chiropractic could be for you. Chiropractic has been proven successful to alleviate pain and restore function so that you can enjoy the healthy lifestyle that you deserve.

Total Chiropractic

Upon your first visit at Total Chiropractic you will receive a very thorough consultation and examination. This will allow Dr. Mark to get a detailed understanding of what is causing your problem. We want you to get well and stay well.

If you would like to choose our office you can phone us at (519) 756-8171 to schedule an initial complimentary consultation and examination. If you would prefer to contact us through the internet you can click on New Patient Special on our website and leave us a message. Diana will get back to you to schedule your initial consultation and examination or answer any questions that you may have.

Our Location

Our office is located on the corner of King George Rd and Elm St. in Brantford Ontario. It is right across from the Husky Gas Station and right beside the St. Joseph’s Cemetery.

chiropractic care may help

Chiropractic Brantford ON Orthotics


Chiropractic Brantford ON Back Pain


Chiropractic Brantford ON Foot Pain


Welcome to Total Chiropractic

When you come to Total Chiropractic and Wellness Centre in Brantford you will be evaluated with a very detailed initial Exam. You will be asked questions that you would not think would be relevant but believe me they are. You will also notice that your entire spine will be evaluated not just the area that is currently causing you pain. This is necessary because the more we learn about you the better we can help you. While you are going through this examination process Dr. Mark will be explaining all the tests as he performs them. After your initial examination is completed you will leave the office with a clear concise understanding of what is causing your problem and how we will be able to help you.

You will also have a much better understanding of why chiropractic care is such a highly effective form of Healthcare. Dr. Mark always tells his patients that “we are now partners in getting you healthy” and encourages questions and open communication to ensure a smooth road to recovery.

At Total Chiropractic patients are always cared for as individuals. There are no cookie-cutter care plans. Each patient’s care plan is tailored to their specific needs and goals. There are many different techniques a chiropractor can use to help patients. Dr. Mark will use a chiropractic technique that suits and works best for you.

As a youth I was very active in competitive sports. It seemed if we weren’t at a tournament or game we were at a practice or playing basketball in the driveway with friends. My poor parents, it felt like we lived in a gymnasium. As you may know, being this active in sports comes with a fair share of injuries, and I was no different. Countless ankle sprains, strains and falls. During my high school years I started to notice that my upper back would go into spasm and it was very painful and debilitating. Fortunately for me my older cousin is a chiropractor and I was lucky to be exposed to chiropractic at an early age. My cousin started adjusting me and the spasms went away. It was amazing to me how effective chiropractic was at relieving my pain and improving my function. I felt better and could get back on the basketball court, which was very important to me at that stage of my life. As I continued with chiropractic care I became more and more interested. In University, I decided to go into Kinesiology which is the study of the mechanics and anatomy of the human body in relation to movement. These studies of the human body peaked my interest even more and after completing my honors Kinesiology degree I decided to attend Chiropractic College.

During my studies at Logan College of Chiropractic my passion for Chiropractic grew further. I can still remember the excitement I felt when I adjusted my first patient at the student clinic. My close friends in my class and I, who also experienced their first adjustment that day went out to diner to celebrate that night. I still remember this excitement like it was yesterday and I am pleased to say that the excitement and passion that I felt that day after my first adjustment is still present with me today. Chiropractic is an amazing profession, I get to help people and put smiles on their faces !!!!!

At this stage of my life, after accumulating 16 years of clinic knowledge and experience I get to help patients on a daily basis and also I get to help my family members and now my own children. It is not uncommon that when I tuck my kids in at night that I will also sneak in a quick adjustment before a goodnight kiss. It makes me feel great to know that my children will grow up with healthy spines.

We are able to help with many conditions in Brantford ON. Some of the more common conditions that we work with are back pain, neck pain, headaches, temporomandibular dysfunction and shoulder pain. The explanation below will give you a better understanding of each of these conditions.

Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common conditions helped in Canada and unfortunately Brantford ON is no different. Four out of five Canadians will experience at least one episode of back pain in their lives. Back pain can be characterized by a wide range of symptoms. Quite often patients will present with pain, muscle tension and stiffness. Sometimes patients can also experience pain in the legs and feet that can be accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation travelling down the legs.

When symptoms of back pain appear immediately usually this is due to trauma or improper lifting. Other times back pain can appear gradually from degenerative changes, such as a disc bulge or degenerative disc disease. A disc bulge occurs when the cushion between vertebra bulges and puts pressure on a spinal nerve, this can be very painful and can cause pain all the way down your leg. When this type of pain radiates down your leg it is often referred to as sciatica. On the other hand, Degenerative Disc Disease occurs when the disc wears down and becomes thinner, as a result it will decreases the space between the vertebra and consequently puts pressure on your spinal nerves. Both disc bulges and degenerative disc disease can be extremely painful, I have seen patients who cannot even walk or stand due to the severe pressure on their spinal nerves. Chiropractic has been very successful at improving conditions such as these, if you are experiencing back pain or any of these symptoms I strongly recommend you be examined by a chiropractor.

Neck pain
Your neck is made up of vertebra, discs, muscles and ligaments. Together they are responsible for the stability of your neck as well as to providing communication between your brain, spinal nerves and spinal cord. The nerves in your neck control your head, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. In the event of Injury, overuse or even poor posture, it can put pressure on the nerves in your neck. When this happens not only can it cause pain in your neck but it also can affect your shoulders, arms and even your hands.

Neck pain symptoms can sometimes vary but quite often patients will present with a stiff neck that makes it difficult to turn their head. Tender and tense muscles are often present and sometimes there can be a sharp pain that is in one specific area. In more severe cases there can be a pain or numbness and tingling radiating down from the neck to the shoulders, arms or hands. Chiropractic has been very successful in helping neck pain, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms I strongly recommend you be examined by a chiropractor.

If you suffer from headaches you know how annoying and frustrating they can be. Headaches can significantly affect your quality of life and impact your ability to carry out your daily routine. A headache can occur in any part of your head, front, back, left, right, both sides or even one specific location. They typically occur as a throbbing pain that may be sharp or dull in nature. They can appear gradually throughout the day or they can come on spontaneously, some last for several days and others last less than an hour in duration.

Most people do not realize that the majority of headaches come from our neck. When the spinal nerves in your neck get irritated they cause the muscles in your head and neck to tighten which causes tension headaches. In more serious cases this same process will cause migraine headaches. Tension and migraine headaches are the two most common types of headaches. Tension headaches usually begin slowly and there is often a feeling of a band across the head causing a tight pressure, the pain is usually dull and often feels like the head is very heavy. On the other hand, migraine headaches usually occur on one side only and tend to be more specific in location. They often consist of a pulsing, throbbing ache and they are also known to cause blurred vision, light headedness, nausea and severe sensitivity to light. A migraine headache can last for a few hours to 2-3 days in duration. Chiropractic has been very successful in helping headaches, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms I strongly recommend you be examined by a chiropractor.

Shoulder Pain
Your shoulder has a wide range of motion which makes it a very complex joint. When it is injured it affects your ability to move freely and can cause you a great deal of pain. The shoulder is a ball and socket joint and it is comprised of three bones. The Scapula (shoulder Blade), Clavicle (collar bone) and the humerus (upper arm bone).

If you have had shoulder pain you have probably heard of the rotator cuff. In most shoulder problems there is usually an issue with one or more of the rotator cuff muscles particularly the infraspinatus. Usually due to repetitive overuse motions, a trigger point or knot will develop in the infraspinatus which will significantly decrease the range of motion of your shoulder and cause quite a lot of pain. With chiropractic care, the muscle fibers of the infraspinatus can realign which will increase the range of motion of the shoulder and significantly decrease your shoulder pain. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, I strongly recommend you be examined by a chiropractor.

If you put your fingers in front of your ears and open your mouth slowly you will feel your Temporomandibular (TMJ) joint opening and closing. This joint which is known as your jaw is very important because it is responsible for the action of chewing our food.

When this joint gets misaligned it creates pressure in your jaw which can make it painful to open and close your mouth or even to chew your food. You may also notice a clicking or popping of your jaw, these symptoms are known as TMJ Syndrome or TMJ Dysfunction. TMJ Dysfunction can be a result of trauma to the head or jaw and even a misalignment in the vertebra in your neck can affect your jaw and cause dysfunction of your TMJ.

IF you have ever had TMJ issues you know that it can cause significant jaw pain and it can even cause headaches, ear aches and neck pain. Chiropractic has been very successful at helping TMJ, the combination of adjusting your spine and TMJ can relieve pressure and realign your TMJ for normal function. If are experiencing any of these symptoms I strongly suggest you be examined by a chiropractor.

Chiropractic Care can be Risky or Painful
Chiropractic is a highly recognized professional health care field and chiropractors are licensed medical professionals. Chiropractic care is much safer that taking pain killers or undergoing surgery. Many more complications occur annually due to prescription drugs and surgery than occur with chiropractic care. In fact, most surgeons will recommend a conservative trial of chiropractic care before considering surgery as an option.

Chiropractors are Not Real Doctors
Quite the opposite is true. Chiropractors undergo a 4 year honors degree and they study chiropractic for 4-5 years before receiving their doctorate of chiropractic degree. Most people are unaware that chiropractors actually have more classroom hours of study than medical doctors do.

Once you Start Chiropractic you Have to Continue Forever
This is not true. Some patients are helped with pain relief and some are helped with corrective care. Your problem will be explained to you in great detail and it will be up to you to decide what type and how much care you wish to receive. You will never be pressured into care that you don’t want. Many patients choose to continue chiropractic care because it simply makes them feel and function better.

Chiropractic is Only for Adults
Chiropractic is very safe and effective for children. We help many children in our office and the reason why is because most of the problems we see in adults typically start during childhood. Even the process of birth can be very traumatic for children.